According the Articles of Association: EUGIN is a non-profit-making international Association. Its objectives are:

  1. To initiate and support actions assisting in the development of pan European policies and strategies in the general fields of navigation and traffic management;
  2. To participate in study works initiated by the European authorities;
  3. To foster co-operation and information exchange between its Members and any competent authorities or organizations active in the general fields of navigation and traffic management;
  4. To provide information in its field of expertise by organizing conferences and symposia, publishing papers; and participating in various media methods of data dissemination;
  5. To undertake other actions which are related to EUGIN's objectives and which should assist in their realization.

The members of EUGIN are also member of IAIN (www.iainav.org). The IAIN has consultative status in IMO, ICAO, IHO, UN-ICG, US-PNT.

EUGIN has regular contacts with officials of the European Commission on the development of a European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP) similar to the US – FRNP.

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