Resilient PNT Forum 14 April 2014

The European Navigation Conference (ENC 2014) will be held 15 – 17 April in the World Trade Center in Rotterdam. A Forum on Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) will be held on the afternoon of Monday 14 April 2014, immediately preceding the Conference in the same venue.

The background to the event is the increasing reliance on Global Navigation Satellite Systems in all transport sectors and for essential infrastructure throughout Europe and internationally. The need to ensure resilience of systems, particularly for safety of life and commercially sensitive applications is driving interest in methods for improving robustness of systems to interference and the need for integrity monitoring and authentication methods.

The objective of the Forum is to bring together organizations with an interest in positioning, navigation and timing, to prepare a strategy for achieving resilient PNT in support of activities across all sectors.


1400-1405      Welcome from Prof K Czaplewski, Chairman of EUGIN Council

1405-1410      Introduction to Forum from Dr Nick Ward

1410-1420      Statement from President of IAIN

1420-1430      Statement from Deputy Secretary General of IALA

1430-1500      Keynote address from Prof David Last

1500-1515      Statement from Dana Goward, Resilient Navigation & Timing Foundation

1515-1545      Break

1545-1600      Discussion – Introduction, Nick Ward

1600-1615      Need for Resilient PNT

1615-1630      Strategy for Resilient PNT

1630-1645      Plan of action

1645-1700      Conclusions


There is no charge for this event, but those wishing to attend are invited to register their interest with the organisers (